[Wolves] usenet server

Andy Wootton andy.wootton at wyrley.demon.co.uk
Wed Sep 28 00:20:50 BST 2005

Ron Wellsted wrote:

>>On Tuesday 27 Sep 2005 20:26, Simon Morris wrote:
>>>You may need to find a server who will push/pull feeds to you.
>Take a look at leafnode
>this is very easy to operate.  To setup edit the config file with the
>name of your upstream server (there must be at least one, I use
>news-text.blueyonder.co.uk) then schedule a "fetchnews" once an hour and
>that is about it...
My memory matched Simon's description of NNTP being a 'push' protocol 
like SMTP. How long has POP-News been around? Does it do everything or 
just download the headers and is it as efficient? Given the staggering 
amount of traffic (mainly spam now) on Usenet I'd have thought 
clobbering a server to feed you, without the site's agreement was 
anti-social. I'm not talking about Roundyz' single group here but the 
general situation. If I'd decided I could handle 10GB (or whatever) 
download traffic a day but another 10 people decided to upload a 
combined 100GB, I'd be a bit miffed.


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