[Wolves] (Covide) More help pls

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Fri Aug 18 10:38:30 BST 2006

On Thursday 17 August 2006 23:03, Adam Sweet wrote:

> Heh, no worries Pete. On Debian systems, Apache runs as the user
> 'www-data', but I think I might have taken you up the garden path there.

Now that answers two questions without you even realising I'd asked them. When 
I was trying to get this running on CentOS one of the instructions is, in 
fact,  chown -R www-data /var/covide_files

With my one brain cell working I thought "Hm something wrong there, theres no 
such user as www-data!" So now I'm having a go on Debian (which looks exactly 
like Ubuntu I might add) I followed the instructions to the letter, sort of, 
and did the chown command which of course it accepted. 

> Right, the username, password and probably host address of the database
> server (localhost by the sound of it) that you supplied in
> /var/www/inc_db.php is what will be used to connect to the database.
> Postgres needs to have suitable permissions for that user to access the
> database.
> Off the top of my head, I don't know postgres very well. Someone else
> will have to explain that.

I don't know postgres either I do know MySql (A bit) while I have changed the 
database name, username and password from the instructions that shouldn't 
make any difference I created 'template1' and added the user then created the 
database finally imported the covide.sql file to give the tables.

> PHP5-pear may well be important. Pear is like a whole extra library of
> PHP stuff distributed outside of the core PHP. Do an apt-get update and
> then an apt-cache search pear | grep pear. I'm running Sarge on my mail
> server and it had php4 and php4-pear which is why php5-pear might not be
> available to you.

Yep I can find php4-pear but this is using 5 do you know if that will be an 
issue? it clearly states php5-pear php5-tidy.

> dpkg --get-selections | grep php
> will tell you what php stuff is installed and
> php -v
> will give you an exact version.
> Hope that helps a little.

Oh god yes Debian is voodoo magic to me give me rpm -qa anytime :)

Peter Cannon
"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"

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