Debian Etch (Was Re: [Wolves] Nsa using linux)

Peter Cannon peter at
Sun Aug 27 08:45:09 BST 2006

On Sunday 27 August 2006 04:05, Andy Smith wrote:

> So decide which outcome you wish to aim towards.  If you aim to
> always track testing then change it to testing.  If you want to use
> it a pre-release to stable and then remain at stable once its
> released them leave it as Etch.

I'm just interested in getting

wget, zip, bzip2, unzip, openssl, lynx, fileutils, tcpdump (No problem)
postgresql (No problem)
postfix, courier-imap, courier-pop (no problem)
apche2, apache2-doc (No problem)

libapache2-mod-php5, php5, php5-pear, php5-tidy, php5-pgsql, php5-imap (Big 

Once its up and running I can then see if its worth using in a production 
environment so the 'testing' becomes relevant for the minute it can be 
bleeding edge for all I care is a virtual machine anyway so it cant hurt 

Peter Cannon
"There is every excuse for not knowing
there is no excuse for not asking"

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