[Wolves] An interesting proposition

chris procter chris-procter at talk21.com
Tue Dec 5 09:48:24 GMT 2006

--- Jono Bacon <jonobacon at gmail.com> wrote:

> Personally I *don't* think we should join,

Says the man from Canonical ;)

But seriously, I think we either join all these sort
of things (does Redhat have an equivalent?) or none of
them to ensure wolveslug as a whole remains neutral.

> we are a general LUG. :)
>   Jono

Exactly. I dont think this precludes us from joining
specific distro based groups, but we need to be very
careful that we dont become distro specific. Not even
Ubuntu specific :)

That said though, if Novell want to send someone to
talk about the MS deal I would be very interested...


(Posted from firefox running on SuSE)

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