[Wolves] samba question

Baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Feb 14 23:46:19 GMT 2006

> [homes]
> 	browsable = no
> 	writable = yes
> see here for more info http://www.baytor.com/using_samba/ch06_01.html
> James
> _______________________________________________

This is my smb.conf file on my Ubuntu 5.10 box. I can't see anything  
wrong, hence my confusion :)

         log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
         passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew 
\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
         socket options = TCP_NODELAY
         obey pam restrictions = yes
         null passwords = yes
         passdb backend = tdbsam guest
         passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
         dns proxy = no
         writeable = yes
         server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
         invalid users = root
         default = global
         path = /home/baza
         unix password sync = yes
         os level = 20
         valid users = baza
         syslog = 0
         panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
         max log size = 1000

         writable = yes
         path = /home
         create mask = 0700
         directory mask = 0700
         comment = Home Directories
         valid users = baza, at smmsp, at smmta, at users
         public = yes

available = yes
browseable = no
    comment = All Printers
    browseable = no
    path = /tmp
    printable = yes
    public = no
    writable = no
    create mode = 0700

# Windows clients look for this share name as a source of downloadable
# printer drivers
    comment = Printer Drivers
    path = /var/lib/samba/printers
    browseable = yes
    read only = yes
    guest ok = no

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