[Wolves] What have I done?

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Tue Feb 28 10:01:34 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 28 February 2006 09:44, Peter Evans wrote:

> Have just taken a look at my install (SUSE 9.1) and I get the same
> behaviour through Konqueror (boot folder has link back into itself), so I'd
> hazard a guess that what you're describing may be 'normal behaviour'
> insofar as the directory structure.

Good, strange thing is it looks like a normal folder (boot) but if you use the 
SuSE live CD its a link! 

OK at least I know thats a red herring now. the problem must be MBR.

I reckon I need to disconnect all the drives except /dev/hda (XP) then do 
FIXMBR then boot if that works at least I know the MBR is not stuffed. then 
reconnect /dev/hdc (SuSE) run the repair disk which supposedly puts/fixes 

If that fails I'll use the /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda command.

> Sorry if this is no help whatsoever, but I thought I'd pass on what I have
> under a older, and seemingly error free, SUSE install.

Hey that was lots of help, could have done with it last night after Dicks post 
but better late than never ;)

Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 10.0
Jabber:highwayman.turpin at gmail.com

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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