[Wolves] I'm sure you'll like this!

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Tue Jan 3 14:10:05 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 03 January 2006 10:03, Kevanf1 wrote:

> Hmmm, all I got was an empty page barring an advert at the top and a
> text entry box at the bottom.  Maybe I'm missing a plug in, though it
> didn't say so...

Shockwave  flash player?

I had the same, but then again I don't have it installed cant be arsed to 
ponce around with it, you have to do a manual install on Fedora.

Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 10.0
Jabber:highwayman.turpin at gmail.com

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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