[Wolves] Mail Icon Thingies...

Matthew Round roundyz at roundyz.com
Fri Jan 20 14:10:23 GMT 2006

On Friday 20 January 2006 09:03, Peter Evans wrote:
> Apologies for the techno jargon in the subject line :)
> Pete and Matt - some recent e-mails have come through and are showing some
> sort of icon in your 'from' information in my mail client.  From Dick
> Turpin it's a rather nice rendition of a highwayman.  Possibly showing my
> ignorance here - but how did you guys do that?

Not to worry about the subject line Peter! I'm unsure as to what mail client 
you are using. I myself (and dare I say it..) use KMail. 

It's an option just to send a small picture with every mail. The option is 
located under the identities tab, before clicking edit and after selecting 
settings --> configure KMail.

Hope this helps. I couldn't find a configuration file to edit under 
~/.kde/apps/kmail/  as I would have just suggested you look there. The GUI is 
the easiest though.


Matthew Round

Reply to roundyz at roundyz.com
or roundyz at hotpop.com


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