[Wolves] CrossOver Office & LugRadio

Matthew Walster matthew at walster.org
Tue Jan 31 12:54:30 GMT 2006

On Tuesday 31 January 2006 11:23, Stuart Langridge wrote:
> > I tried installing Age Of Empires but it wouldn't run :(
> >
> > To be honest its that one and only game that keeps me tied to Windows at
> > home.
> Age of Empires appears to be at least partially supported by Cedega
> (http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/games/alphabrowse.mhtml?letter=A).
> Whether you want to run Cedega or not is another question, but it
> might give you a way to move away from Windows if you're genuinely
> only kept there by the one game.

Cedega quite often say that they support a game, for it only to be supported 
single player, such as Battlefield 2, or for it to only work windowed, such 
as Second Life, or for it to run fine, but the installer not work at all, 
such as ASRC, and the vast majority of games do not work unless they've 
specifically introduced patches to make it work.

In fact, the only game that runs as demanded is Halflife/Counter-Strike Source 
- and I don't play FPS!

Thankfully, companies are beginning to see that releasing versions for Mac 
mean it is easy to port to Linux, so X-Plane now has a Linux version, and the 
UT/UT2003/UT2004/Quake3/Quake4 players have native versions.

Unfortuanately, Cedega doesn't work, otherwise I think you would see a huge 
influx of users from the game community to the Linux world - but Wine etc 
just isn't ready yet.

In huge contrast to what you (Aq) said in the show, I believe that Wine is the 
biggest hurdle in getting average joe onto Linux, as a kind of transition 
period. The other thing is reducing the dependance on the command line, as 
most windows techies learn by example, as opposed to learn by RTFM...

Anyway, meh.

Matt Walster
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