[Wolves] Google Calendar [ Not Linux specific ]

Shane M. Coughlan shane at shaneland.co.uk
Tue Jul 11 23:09:20 BST 2006

Andy Wootton wrote:
> I'm now worrying about side-stepping the next monopoly. Does anyone know
> how to put a Yahoo Calendar on the Google Desktop and vice versa? Is
> there an opening for a free software desktop (like Google/Yahoo) on a
> web server to give web service provider independence? (What are the |
> Are there any ) standards in this area?

Ah...Woo...you're asking for stuff that won't be ready until [INSERT

Gnome chappies are looking at how our desktops can 'just know' this
stuff.  It's coming.  In fact, it's needed.  Take a while though.


Shane Martin Coughlan
e: shane at opendawn.com
m: +447773180107 (UK) +353862262570 (Ire)
w: www.opendawn.com
OpenPGP: http://www.opendawn.com/shane/publickey.asc

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