[Wolves] Hooray SuSE is back

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Wed Mar 1 11:05:09 GMT 2006

On Wednesday 01 March 2006 10:44, Simon Morris wrote:

> I don't think you can have it both ways.

You're not a customer then? if you was you'd want it both ways plus you'd want 
to pay in 300 years time "Aw naw Pete our payment terms are 90 days" 

Try saying that at the checkout in Sainsburys!

> I have support contracts on some SLES9 servers and I've only put the
> odd call in so far. I was happy with the support I got, but I am
> fairly sure you can't go to them with non-standard RPM's and say
> "support me". wzdftpd would certainly fall into that category. It
> isn't realistic for them to offer support on software they don't
> provide so it is a bit catch 22

You have a point although thats the critical issue in respect of selling 
maintenance contracts, true you have to set boundary's as people will 
defiantly take the piss but if you offer the odd support, off the record, for 
non standard stuff hopefully you'll extol the virtues of the maintenance 
contract provided by your supplier.

> I agree. Having looked at the amount of code/projects Novell have
> released (AppArmor, Xgl, iFolder, Evolution connector) and the
> projects they are working on (beagle, etc etc) I get the warm and
> fuzzies for them a little

I really really want to play with iFolders but cant be arsed to set it all up 
myself. I'll hold my hand up and admit that this is a solution I could sell.

I know thats a dirty word but thats the business I'm in :)

Peter Cannon
Fedora Core 4 & Suse 10.0
Jabber:highwayman.turpin at gmail.com

"There is every excuse for not knowing,
There is no excuse for not asking!"
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