[Wolves] Help writing a script file

Simon Morris simon.morris at cmtww.com
Thu May 18 15:47:20 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 15:37 +0100, Peter Cannon wrote:

> Um, sorry to be Mr Picky
> Adminweb is the Log Title
> 18.5.2006 is "Today's Date"
> 14:52 is "Today's Time"

Ahh, sorry. I didn't pick up on that.

> Do I include the ~sm ? or is that your sig? if so that's OK.

The SM is my sig - the script is just the text between the ----START...
and ----END.... lines

-----START SCRIPT-----


EMAILTO=simon.morris at cmtww.com
EMAILTO2=pete at somedomain.com

mail -s "This is the subject line" "${EMAILTO}" -c "${EMAILTO2}" << EOF

adminweb `date +%e.%m.%Y` `date +%H:%M`

`tail -n 10 /var/lib/simias/log/adminweb.log`

web `date +%e.%m.%Y` `date +%H:%M`

`tail -n 10 /var/lib/simias/log/web.log`


-----END SCRIPT-----

Repeat wash and rinse for any other log files you want.. 

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