[Wolves] List

Broadfield Robert BroadfieldR at walsall.gov.uk
Wed Nov 8 14:06:43 GMT 2006

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 7:30 PM
 Moon under water
 53-55 Lichfield St
 Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV1 1EQ  http://upcoming.org/event/117822/

 2. Jen
 3. Russ
 4. James

 1. Ron (need to be in 2 places at the sames time as usual)

No Goes
 1. Aq -- I am moving bookcases around, more's the pity
 2. Woo - Sorry, v.unlikely again, my evenings are over-committed at the  moment
 3. Alex  
 4. David & Kat
 5. Rob - Not keen on the venue (I don't know the City very well & had to pay NCP nearly £3 to park    last time - also not overly keen on the food).

David Goodwin

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