[Wolves] Does anyone have a copy of......

Stephen Garton sheepeatingtaz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 16:21:10 GMT 2007

On 24/01/07, David Morley <davmor2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have a copy of python for dummies or something similar.
> I'm after a book that takes you from knowing nothing to something in
> python.  I am really only after recommendations of good books that do
> this.  Many thanks.
> --


I got Python for Dummie for Christmas from my parents, and am working
through it whenever I get the chance. I personally am finding it makes
a lot more sense than Dive into Python, or any of the others I have
tried (and failed) to work through online before.

Not much (as I haven't finished the book yet), but hope it helps.

Steve Garton

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