[Wolves] oops :)

chris procter chris-procter at talk21.com
Mon Mar 5 22:48:14 GMT 2007

So I've been playing around with chroot etc

I created a directory mkdir ~/test
Created a mount point mkdir ~/test/bin

then mounted /bin on it using 
mount --bind /bin ~/test/bin

(The --bind option to mount lets you mount an existing
directory in another place, so /bin and ~/test/bin are
now two references to the same thing)

I tinkered around with chroot for a while (which I
couldn't get to work, but thats another story)
including installing creating some files as root, then
gave up and removed the lot:
sudo rm -rf ~/test

Spot the minor flaw?

I'm now wondering how I can rebuild a system that has
no ls, cp, mv, mount, bash, rpm etc.

Luckily this is a duel boot system so I've fallen back
to ubuntu and copied all the useful stuff off fedora.
I was probably going to reinstall it anyway.

Its the first time I've ever trashed a system by
mistake in my 10 years of *nixing, I'm actually quite
proud :)


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