[Wolves] Meetings

Adam Sweet adam at adamsweet.org
Thu Nov 8 14:19:25 GMT 2007

Dave Morley wrote:
> Due to the fact that we now have a minor in our midst and Licensing
> regulations at pubs I have formulated a plan of attack for the meeting
> and want to know which everyone would prefer.  Vote by adding your email
> to this post and simply select the number you want to vote for.
> Meetings based on a 4 meeting cycle
> 1/  Mine, Pub, Spice Avenue (probably), Pub.
> 2/  Mine, Pub, Mine, Spice Avenue (probably).
> 3/  Mine, Spice Avenue, Pub, Spice Avenue.
> 4/  Add your own option here
> My plan I thought for the pub would be to vary it ie. Hogs head, Moon,
> Crooked house, Pie factory etc.

For me, being as I gave up drinking, I'm not particularly sociable any
more and I'm a tight wad now I have bills to pay, I prefer meetings at
your gaff and in fact am more likely to come as it costs me nothing and
parking is easy. I'm inclined to go for a meal too when I can spare the

I don't go to the pub meets, but come to the meets at yours when I can.
I don't think I'm a majority case though, so this rotation plan seems
reasonable to me, the order of rotation doesn't matter to me. Pub meets
might suit most people more than me.

I'll continue to attend when I can, but am unlikely to attend pub meets.
I prefer it when we can mill around with laptops and other devices
showing each other stuff and you can't do this as easily in a restaurant
or at all in a pub if you value your equipment.


Adam Sweet



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