[Wolves] Ubuntu release party

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 11 16:25:12 BST 2007

--- Kevanf1 <kevanf1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11/10/2007, David Morley <davmor2 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > If your interested SBLug are doing a release
> party/talk follow the
> > link for details :)
> >
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/GutsyReleaseParty
> >
> What is it with all the partying over a new release
> of Ubuntu.  I
> mean, it's a horrible colour after all.  Yeah,
> that's a joke I know
> the colour can be whatever you wish it to be.  But
> why the party?  Do
> they have one when Fedora release a new version or
> Sabayon or Linux
> Mint.  What about grandma Debian?

Yeah I thought that myself, I imagine it is something
to do with communitising community tools for the
benefit of the community, ie being inclusive,
welcoming and encouraging generally unsociable people
to engage with other community members so that they
might form better relationships with one another and
so share knowledge and ideas. It pulls people in from
the fringes and rewards those that put the effort into
making the release. It's all about mindshare after
all. No people, no development, no platform. The
people who would are more likely to attend these kind
of things are also the same people who are more likely
to think feature/bug X irritates me so much I'm going
to do something about it, especially when they find
other people with the same opinion and they might
thrash the solution out between them. You could ask
Jono about this kind of thing and you might get enough
material to fill a large book :)

I imagine it is inherited from Debian and Gnome who
also have release parties, as do many other projects,
including Firefox (for Mozilla 1.0 at least).

With you on the brown thing, it's amongst the first
things I change while my updates are coming down.
Anyway, at least it can be changed :)




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