[Wolves] EeePC eat my girls iPod's (Solved)

Kevanf1 kevanf1 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 11:52:14 UTC 2008

2008/8/28 dick_turpin <dick_turpin at archlinux.us>:
> Shane Martin Coughlan wrote:
>> Yes, that's leftover rubbish. Have a look on the iPod and you'll find a
>> folder full of files with with random names from numbers.  This is the
>> missing music.  Delete to clear space.
> Cheers Shane, so it looks like yet another thing I'm right about? Thats
> it I'm running for Lord Protector of the kingdom of Britain. Now where
> did I put that list of "First up against the wall"? ;-)

It's that piece of paper with my name at the top of it ;-)

Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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