[Wolves] Mini Laptop Survey

dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Sun Aug 31 07:38:46 UTC 2008

Hi All

I've spent some cash and purchased ijoomla_surveys 
<http://www.ijoomla.com/index.php> I thought it might be interesting to 
do a few surveys with not many questions that may give an insight to 
what people use and are doing within the Linux/Open Source community. 
Its just a bit of fun really so why not have a go?

Either Go to the site direct and select Survey from the menu or select 
this link for direct access. http://cannon-linux.co.uk/surveys choose a 
survey from the list on the above left or if you just want to see some 
results so far choose from the list on the right.

There's only one survey for the minute and I think I have most of the 
'Mini Laptops' but if you know of any others that are not in my list and 
don't want to take the survey please feel free to mail me so I can add 
your recommendations.

P.S. For the cynical, its got nothing to do with increasing my traffic I 
just want your statistics so I can offer the info to Linux Format etc 
and become famous. :-)


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