[Wolves] Ubuntu Installer

ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Wed Feb 20 13:40:21 GMT 2008

Hi All

On the Ubuntu 7.10 installer there is an option to import user
profiles (Linux only I presume) is that only able to import Ubuntu
profiles or will it import say a Red Hat profile?

I installed on a 'Master' HDD but when I plugged the openSUSE HDD back
in the system threw a fit (I know why, two masters Doh), I changed the
Ubuntu HDD to 'Slave' but then got "Cannot mount partition" so I
plonked the CD in and started the install again that's when I saw the
'import' message. (Note to self: Don't just hit next, next, next read
what it says)

I was hoping it would pick up the original install but then of course
it wouldn't as the partitioner runs 1st so there was nothing to find!
anyway it got me thinking if it does import /home/yourname from any OS
that's pretty cool if your thinking of moving to another distro or
running a dual boot system.

Anyone know cos Jono don't :-D


Dick Turpin

Arch Linux is an independent i686-optimized community distribution for
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