[Wolves] For all petrol heads like me :-) + on the subject of
ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin
dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Mon Jan 14 13:30:34 GMT 2008
On 14/01/2008, Political Penguin <fish at politicalpenguin.org.uk> wrote:
> I think you're under a misconception as to use of taxpayers money. It's
> easy to think there's some pot of money of our money out there and it's
> been used in such a fashion but not correct.
What its not all kept in a shoe box under the stairs at the BoE? well I never
> The origins of this concept date back to the original formation of the
> Bank of England where it held reserves and lent against them. The bank
> notes we use are nothing more than a guarantee against the centrally
> held reserves of 'things' to the same value, things being the like of
> gold, to a lesser degree silver and and foreign currency reserves which
> are valued against their respective national banks individual
> gold/silver/foreign currency reserves.
Oh so that's why it says on bank notes "I promise to pay the bearer
the sum of..?
--<I've cut the rest>--
Sorry for the sarcasm but I already knew all of that, I'm not looking
to hold a crusade over it and pretty much everything you've wrote has
already been propagandised out by the press and news to make it more
acceptable by the average Sun reader. ;-)
IMO we the tax payer will loose out one way or another in the long run
although I doubt we will ever get to here about it unless there is
some sleaze enquiry in 2025 when it will be too late to do anything
about it.
I think Dave Goodwin is on the same wave length as me and hits the
nail on the head;
"The government has probably set a precedent in supporting NR, to the
extent that other banks may feel that they can take extra/unnecessary
risks in the future." End Quote.
Dick Turpin
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