[Wolves] Programming books?

Kevanf1 kevanf1 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 13:45:36 BST 2008

Hi everybody.  This is a bit of a strange request and it's not for
'me'.  I wonder if anybody has a couple of old programming books
sitting collecting dust?  They are:

C Programming by K&R &
Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zacks

Both of these have been requested on Walsall Freecycle by a chap who
has given me a good few items in the past.  I'd just like to help him
out if I can.  Obviously I'm really asking for these as give aways
please.. :-)

He's offering some books if anybody is interested.  I can put you in
touch with him.  These are what he's offering:

Dynamic Html. O'Reilly (I believe this is an early version)

Hardcore Visual Basic, Microsoft Press (VB5)  well, you never know ;-)

Flash 5 Bible - he doesn't say which revision.

As I say, if anybody is interested let me know and I'll put you in
touch with him.


Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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