[Wolves] Expressing one's love whilst out shopping...

Jamie Taylor j.taylor.1990 at googlemail.com
Sat May 24 18:49:02 BST 2008

Well, not a lot of people may know this (or actually who I am, for that 
matter, but i'll save that for the next meeting, which i'll try my best 
to attend), but i currently spend my Saturdays working for everyone's 
favourite madhouse, Poundland in Wolverhampton.
Now i see people from all walks of life, from the disadvantaged, to the 
just plain ignorant, a broad spectrum from all the classes, in one big 
pound-shaped blur.
But today i saw something that made me smile. I served a bloke wearing 
an Ubuntu hat. I have NEVER seen anyone wearing something open-source 
related in Wolverhampton since i moved here when i was the young age of 
11 (18 now, for what it's worth)
So on the off-chance that it was a fellow wolves LUG member, thank you 
for making me smile today. I was the short cashier who complimented you 
on your choice of headgear, if you're wondering.

I know it's not really much to go on about, and it's only really a 
passing thought for the day, but it made me smile. And in this world, 
anything that makes you smile is worth a mention.

-Jamie Taylor

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