[Wolves] Ladies and Gentlemen

Adam Sweet adam at adamsweet.org
Thu Oct 23 10:44:48 UTC 2008

Kevanf1 wrote:
> 2008/10/22 Dave Morley <davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk>:
>> In a fortnights time we will be having an install/hardware solving
>> session at the Lug so if you have hardware that you just can't get linux
>> on bring it along and lets hope that as a group we can.
>> --
>> Seek That Thy Might Know
>> www.davmor2.co.uk
> Hmmm, digital set top box anybody?  I am being serious.  I have a
> Philips box that died mid upgrade.  A lot went this way and Philips
> refused to do anything about them.  I'm just wondering if anybody has
> any links or ideas about it.  I don't have the model number to hand
> but will find it out later.  I'd love to supplant the original OS with
> one of the Linux embedded systems.  If it were possible that is...

No ideas myself, but your first points of call would be to find out what
processor it uses and if that architecture is Linux supported, what
internal storage there is and how you can get it on there. Perhaps
better to find an existing project (or just a guy) which is working on
it rather attempting to figure it all out from scratch unless your good
with embedded development processes. Then again if it's already a brick
then you've nothing to lose.


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