[Wolves] Ubuntu 9.10 install

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Tue Dec 15 09:12:07 UTC 2009

Mo Awkati wrote:

> Goat come here now.... I said come here.......... nothing will happen to 
> you honest...............

Wow you found a virgin! round here even the slugs move like grease 
lightening in case they get goosed ;-)

Can you remove the HDD? its not that silly SSD crap is it? Why not try 
the old trick of installing on the HDD on A-another machine then 
sticking the drive back in?

Maybe invest in one of these 
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260499552106 use 
this to do an install on the HDD via a PC?

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