[Wolves] Recommend a photo app.

Dave Morley davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk
Mon Feb 16 09:34:17 UTC 2009

On Mon, 2009-02-16 at 09:27 +0000, Claire wrote:
> Hi
> Santa brought a new camera this year so I have been snap happy for 
> nearly two full months! I have been using F-Spot so far to manage them, 
> prefering gnome desktop, but I don't like the way it splits everything 
> into separate directories.
> Can anybody recommend a photo app? What do you use?
> Thanks!
> Claire
A lot of people like gtkam/digikam and gthumb (the gnome default) or
fspot.  Gthumb I think was better in lots of ways but also had no upload
facility which is why ultimately I believe that F-Spot won through. 
Seek That Thy Might Know

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