[Wolves] BBC iPlayer?

dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Fri Feb 27 15:05:06 UTC 2009

Jon Farmer wrote:
> dick_turpin wrote:
>> Jon Farmer wrote:
>> Quote: "which ostensibly is for Video" Note the word ostensibly, we all
>> know it plays audio too.
>> Beam me up Scotty
> My point was that to me it is ostensibly a streaming media player
Then your wrong, that's not what it was designed for it was created for
TV programs. With Digital capabilities, a net bonus was that Radio could
be incorporated into it thus giving a catchment to a wider audience.

Having said that I do the reverse of you with itunes ostensibly its for
Music but I get the Linux Action Show Videos for my ipod that way
although I have to convert the stupid things which is God dam ridiculous
as LAS site says "Subscribe in itunes" so you would have thought they
was already ipod compatible.

So I'm wrong too, I wonder if channel 4 player has LAS shows? of and
while I'm about it I'll shove some diesel in my unleaded car then post
here asking why it don't work.

"Don't look at me I'm irrelevant"

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