[Wolves] Wolves Digest, Vol 298, Issue Reply to Adam Sweet
Adam Sweet
adam at adamsweet.org
Tue Jul 14 22:33:23 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
> Thanks Adam I get the general idea and it is not easy because I do keep
> comparing it to Windows. I only want to scan my emails with clamav but
> don't know how to make clamv scan them beforre I open them.
As I said, Windows viruses don't affect Linux software and there aren't
really any Linux viruses (virii?), so there is no need to scan your
email for viruses under Linux.
There doesn't seem to be an easy way to plug ClamAV into your mail
client at present, not that I can find with 20 seconds on Google anyway.
> The sudo-apt and following commands don't work with the update manager
I meant for you to type the commands into the command line, using the
Terminal application from the Applications > Accessories menu. The
update manager itself doesn't have anywhere to type things in to, it's
just a pointy clicky thing.
> because I think there is something wrong with the basic installation of
> the package - it does not show what updates there are - so I can't
> choose and also I don't think it links to the data correctly to download
> them anyway.
Yes there does seem to be a problem according to your screenshot, see my
answer in the other mail for options on how to fix it.
> I know there's something wrong - I have tried reinstalling
> it with synaptic and it is just the same. I don't get offered the chance
> to upgrade to to the next distribution either so I am just stuck with
> 8.04. Theres no disc drive in my laptop-but I am convinced there is
> something wrong with the software that Dell has preinstalled anyway if I
> were to try and reinstall it with an optical drive.
What did you try reinstalling? I'm not sure there's a problem with what
Dell installed for you, it just seems that your package manager, the
thing which installs or removes software for you and keeps track of what
is installed seems to have got itself in a bit of a knot, but it's not
fatal. The package manager has various front-end applications, apt-get
is just one that works on the command line, Synaptic is a graphical one,
there are others. See my other email with regard to upgrading.
> It doesn't really matter because I can use the internet on my other
> laptop which I assume is safer -but its just irritating. Other than
> that I like it-its quite simple,.
> Thanks anyway -don't worry if you haven't got the inclination to try and
> help more - I'll pester Launchpad see if anyone is bored there!
Ok, well we'll try to fix one problem at a time. You'll have to forgive
me, I'm pretty hard pressed with work so I don't get to reply in a
timely manner, see how you get on with fixing that messed up package as
I described in the other email.
Apologies for keep referring to the other email, I've got mail all over
the place :)
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