[Wolves] Shameless self-promotion: spiky-haired geek for hire

Adam Sweet adam at adamsweet.org
Thu Jul 30 13:13:01 UTC 2009

Without going into detail on a publicly archived mailing list, for those
who are not already aware, I am listening to job offers at the moment
for permanent or contract positions and one-off projects.

I apologise for the somewhat undignified and unsolicited nature of the
advertisement but grim financial reality has bitten, as those who were
at last night's meeting will have heard at great length and if you don't
ask you don't get.

I would imagine most people here already know my skill set, but edited
technical highlights include:

* Linux sysadmin, 4 years commercial experience (Red Hat, CentOS,
Debian, Ubuntu, OpenBSD, FreeBSD etc)
* Some Windows network and server admin
* Network management, switching/routing, Cisco experience etc
* Server and OS builds, manual or automated
* Shell scripting, some programming and SQL
* Mail server, DNS server, web server builds, configuration and hosting
* Spam/virus filtering
* Web proxies
* Network, host and service monitoring, alerting and trending
* Virtualisation - VMware (ESX/Server), Xen and others
* Firewall building and management
* Web application deployment and hosting
* Source code management systems
* Mac OS X support
* Lots of other stuff you'll be really pleased about, probably

I'll leave you to make your own decisions on my inter-personal and
non-technical skills, I think my personal failings have been well
documented (here, mostly) :)

CV and salary expectations available on demand off-list. I can commute
within the West Mids, Staffs and Shropshire areas. My apologies once again.

Don't all rush at once...

<opens door to see nobody rushing>

Oh :)


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