[Wolves] Now can't make it :(

chris procter chris-procter at talk21.com
Wed Mar 11 18:03:21 UTC 2009

> Dave Morley wrote:

> > I won't be able to make it tonight now :(
> Phew. I'll definitely be there now. Only kidding Dave.
> Do people generally eat when you meet in the Moon? I don't want to be
> the only one eating. And where do you sit? I don't want to walk around
> for 10 mins trying to find you.
> Ad

I'm going to be eating because linux is only my second favourite thing :)

As you come in we'll be on the right, towards the back (near the windows) hopefully you'll recognise at least one of us, I have a t-shirt with a penguin on if that helps!



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