[Wolves] OT: Dentists in W-ton

Simon Burke simonb at fatsportsman.eu
Mon Aug 2 06:44:13 UTC 2010

Bit of a long shot, but can anyone recommend a decent dentist in Wolves?

I saw one a couple of weeks ago for a chipped tooth. Now its absceesed and need a root canal. :( 

I'm not happy with that dentist as it's just so badly run. They guy who runs the place was often the subject of discussion with staff (never for good reasons). The recptionist has been threatened by the SO now, for being way too touchy feely with me and it is annoying tbh. 

The actual dentist I saw had terrible 'bedside manners' and had to keep being interpreted by the nurse.

I kept the specifics vague on purpose btw, as I don't really want to have me naming and shaming on an archived mailing list.

Anyway, can anyone suggest a better one?

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

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