[Wolves] Online Storage

Mo Awkati mawkati at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 9 11:19:24 UTC 2010

> What are your thoughts on online data storage? I am researching this subject for 
> a possible article on the use of open source software. The readership are not 
> necessarily IT savvy. 
> My thoughts 
> 1- Yes if you don't have an alternative 
> 2- There is the issue of data security 
> 3- Where would one stand should the data be lost, for whatever reason, if it is 
> stored outside of UK? 4- Yes you can access it from any pc/laptop with internet 
> connection.  5- Doing your work over the internet is the in thing now. I am not 
> knocking it, just an observation, I prefer my data to be very near me, and 
> religiously backed up. But then I am paranoid about protecting my data ( I don't 
> have anything sinister!!), I just don't like some else in charge of it!.    6- 
> And of course there is the potential cost. 
> Probably there are other issues. Would like to hear your thoughts. 
> Cheers 
> Mo 


>I myself wouldn't use it. Privacy is parmount, and can you really trust them? A good example is google and the amount of information they collect from >people, imagine using all thier cloud apps then someone finds your password? Not good. 

>Other than that some good points. 


A very good point about cloud apps. It is my feeling too that someone will try to gain your password an access the data. I am sure those people behind the phishing emails are already rubbing their hands together!


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