[Wolves] Fish Tank

Stephen Parkes stephen.parkes at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 08:47:33 UTC 2012

On 15 Aug 2012, at 09:39, Peter Cannon wrote:

> Hi All
> Any got a fish tank lying around they don't want? My daughter has just bought a couple of gold fish but the plastic thing she purchased seems rather small.
> Something in the realms of 2ft wide would be nice. :-)

I have no idea why shops sell goldfish and small tanks.  They need shit loads more filtration and water than people think they take turds bigger than many tropical fish ;)

We've got nothing spare as SWMBO decided she wanted to start keeping fish and shrimp again a couple of months back and we had to buy all the bloody equipment we got rid off years ago.  There are normally tanks on ebay locally with cheap buy it nows if nobody has anything to offer.


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