[Wolves] Fish Tank

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Wed Aug 15 13:56:49 UTC 2012

On 15/08/12 13:47, Adam Sweet wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Yeah I remember. If you get a bigger tank, get one off Ebay, much
> cheaper and will come with accessories saving you money. 60 litres is
> a good starting point, that's about 2 feet x 1 x 1. Goldfish need
> longer tanks rather than wider or deeper, so don't bother with any
> fancy shapes.
> Get her to phone me if she needs advice. You've got my number right?
> Starts 07761. I will be busy tonight and I'll be going to OggCamp
> tomorrow afternoon but I'll do my best to help if she calls.

Umm apparently she is totally distraught after reading your mail (All 
this for bleedin £4 fish) I was writing it wrong it's Pets at home 

I think the £25 will be fine, just need to get a cheap small pump for 
some oxygen.

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