[Wolves] Hyoerlinks on a php page

Wayne Morris waynelists at machx.co.uk
Thu Dec 6 13:34:45 UTC 2012


No, it all works.
echo "      <td width=\"35%\">Tn</td>";

echo "      <td width=\"65%\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"workphone\" 
size=\"25\" value=\"".$row["workphone"]."\"></td>";

Produces a input box with the tenants workphone in it, workphone being 
extracted previously from database as variable .$row["workphone"]


On 06/12/2012 10:53, Mark Rogers wrote:
> On 6 December 2012 09:53, Wayne Morris <waynelists at machx.co.uk 
> <mailto:waynelists at machx.co.uk>> wrote:
>     View source just shows my original source code as in php file.
> This doesn't make sense.
> PHP source:
>     echo "      <td width=\"35%\">Tn</td>";
> should show in the browser source as:
>     <td width="35%">Tn</td>
> If this is not happening then your code is not being parsed as PHP, 
> which either means that you don't have your server configured to parse 
> the files as PHP, or the code in question is not being treated as PHP 
> (ie it does not have <?php at the start of it).
> However, if all of that were true then I don't see how it could 
> possibly work in Firefox or anything else, because even if by some 
> miracle the browser parsed enough of it to make sense of it, the 
> actual phone numbers would be missing because stuff like
>     echo "      <td width=\"65%\"><input type=\"text\" 
> name=\"workphone\" size=\"25\" value=\"".$row["workphone"]."\"></td>";
> .. doesn't even have a number in it unless PHP parses it to 
> substitute $row["workphone"].
> Part of the picture is missing here somewhere.
> -- 
> Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0844 251 1450
> Registered in England (0456 0902) @ 13 Clarke Rd, Milton Keynes, MK1 1LG
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