[Wolves] Looking for Sun/Oracle sysadmins with chronic Vendor Lock-In

munk3h (ian) munk3h at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 12:35:00 UTC 2012

Hi all,

New to the list. It was suggested by MrsB on #wolveslug that I ask
my question here: Anyone know any sysadmins that are suffering the
Oracle/Sun vendor lock-in problem? Looking to collaborate / share
knowledge on how to deal with / get away from Oracle.

Working as a sysadmin at a Uni in the south of England, and finding
Oracle very frustrating. There is some enthusiasm from those above
me to get away from them as soon as possible. Looking for good IRC
channels or mailing lists or any contacts in UK HE institutions that
have either overcome this problem, or who are also currently stuck with

Also, bring on the jibes at our situation. Like a good geeky laugh me.

Ian Ohr
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