[Wolves] Hard drive caddy keys

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Wed Feb 29 15:47:53 UTC 2012

On 28/02/12 20:41, Paul Harrison wrote:
> <idiot>
> I seem to have lost the keys for my 3.5in ATA HDD caddies - you know,
> standard little round keys like the ones pictured here
> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/21vVRupLxQL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
> One is a no-name brand, the other a StarTech but the keys were interchangeable.
> Until I lost them.
> Does anyone have a spare kicking around?  Will reimburse for time,
> trouble&  postage.
> </idiot>
Hmm? I've got some 506 keys which is what they look like however they 
don't seem to fit the caddy I have here that looks like the one in the 
Amazon picture.

I've gone through about twenty sets of keys, I'll keep looking. These 
keys are not standard by the way what's the caddies maker name and model?

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