[Wolves] Make-It Fun Day, July 14th

Nikki Pugh (Black Country Atelier) nikkipugh at blackcountryatelier.com
Tue Jun 26 09:58:55 UTC 2012


Apologies for the combination of poor netiquette and cross posting, but 
we're spreading the word about an open day we're running in Birmingham 
and our sources tell us you might be the sort of people interested in 
our 100W laser cutter and swarm of 3D printers (taking suggestions for 
collective nouns...).

Details about the Fun Day can be found at 
Mostly free, mostly drop-in, 11-4 on the 14th of July.

Beyond this, BCA are new to Birmingham and really keen to meet up with 
people doing interesting things in the region. If you have any projects 
on the go that could benefit from the tools we have, or a bunch of 
people that would like some training, please get in touch 
(info at blackcountryatelier.com) and get involved!


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