[Wolves] Fw: [linuxjobs] Consulting Positions at Red Hat

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Tue Sep 25 19:33:33 UTC 2012

On 25/09/2012 20:14, chris procter wrote:
> For those of you not subscribed to linuxjobs, these are for jobs in the same team as me and Ade, so if you might be interested and want a bit of a chat I'll try my best to help.
> chris
> P.S. and before anyone asks, yes, I do get a bonus if I can recruit people, and no rumours that I'm trying to pack Red Hat with wolveslug people so I can stage a coup and mandate English-Brummie as the default language are entirely without foundation.

I read these with interest Chris however the criteria is like 
"OM(f'ing)G 5 Years RH Exp? RH has only been going 10 odd years 2 years 
seems a lot fairer.
RHCE qualifications? S'bit unfair?

I spoke with Ade about them, initially I thought "I can do that?" but as 
I say I read the criteria and started to blub like a girl.

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