[Wolves] OT: Using google charts for QR codes
Peter Cannon
dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Tue Nov 12 09:20:09 UTC 2013
On 09/11/13 20:04, Mark Croft wrote:
> trying to get a QR code that contains a number of vcard contact details
> what i am doing wrong
> https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&cht=qr&chl=BEGIN:VCARD%0AN:John%20Doe%0ATEL;CELL:555-123-4567%0AEMAIL:john.doe@johndoe.com%0AEND:VCARD
> BEGIN:VCARD%0AN:Jane%20Doe%0ATEL;CELL:555-765-4321%0AEMAIL:jane.doe at janedoe.com
> <mailto:BEGIN%3AVCARD%250AN%3AJane%2520Doe%250ATEL%3BCELL%3A555-765-4321%250AEMAIL%3Ajane.doe at janedoe.com>%0AEND:VCARD
> does not work with two but ok with one
> https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&cht=qr&chl=BEGIN:VCARD%0AN:John%20Doe%0ATEL;CELL:555-123-4567%0AEMAIL:john.doe@johndoe.com%0AEND:VCARD
> got help from here -
> http://thenextweb.com/shareables/2013/10/02/watch-this-google-docs-can-automatically-generate-qr-codes/
QR codes are generally only meant to contain one URL. They can be tricked into holding more but they're flaky at best. We originally had two URL's in The Dick Turpin Road Show's QR code containing the URL for our website and the RSS feed but it worked in some readers and not in others so we dropped back to just having the website only.
Peter Cannon
IRC: dick_turpin @ freenode.net
Podcast: http://tdtrs.co.uk
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