[Wolves] OT php sessions prob after server change

Wayne Morris waynelists at machx.co.uk
Wed Nov 13 14:26:17 UTC 2013

Moving my websites from the Good Ole Boy Adam Sweet, to the big nasty 
corporation UK2.

Sessions were working fine, no longer work properly with eg:

*Warning*: session_start() [function.session-start 
<http://j9accommodation.co.uk/j9/function.session-start>]: Cannot send 
session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at 
in*/home/j9accomm/public_html/j9/updatetest.php*on line*416*

*Warning*: session_start() [function.session-start 
<http://j9accommodation.co.uk/j9/function.session-start>]: Cannot send 
session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at 
in*/home/j9accomm/public_html/j9/updatetest.php*on line*416

gooogled the hell out of it, can't find anything that fixes it - all 
thats changed is server - any ideas?

php on adam's was

  PHP Version 5.3.3-7+squeeze17

and on uk2 its:

  PHP Version 5.3.26


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