[Wolves] Fwd: Ubuntu 14.04 Nvidia upgrade woes

Paul Salahuddin Armstrong paul.armstrong at aobm.org
Wed Jul 9 19:58:44 UTC 2014

Hi Andy,

This is an annoying development I've noticed too, in my case with openSUSE.
I managed to get the proprietary nVIDIA drivers to work, but not without
some fiddling, alternative repository, and bugs with a few applications
like XBMC.

I think this has a lot to do with Linux developers trying to push
opensource drivers. I have no issue with that, but would appreciate them
leaving us the option to use proprietary drivers without unnecessary
hurdles. Perhaps when the opensource drivers are as good, we won't need
them, but at present, though improving they still have some way to go.


On 9 July 2014 17:35, Adam Sweet <adam at adamsweet.org> wrote:

> On 09/07/14 16:51, Andy Wootton wrote:
>> On 09/07/14 15:09, Adam Sweet wrote:
>  I seem to have a half-installed nvidia-331 that I can't remove. I get
>>>> "stop: Unknown instance:
>>>> userdel: existing lock file /etc/subuid.lock without a PID
>>>> userdel: cannot lock /etc/subuid: try again later." from aptget remove
>>>> and I can't install because it already 'is'.
>  I say this without any kind of warranty of course. Googling suggests
>>> that subiud.lock is created by useradd to prevent multiple useradd
>>> instances running at the same time. I can't believe that this should
>>> be happening so removing it should be fine in single user mode while
>>> you're not running anything. This may help explain:
>>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/459080/useradd-
>>> cannot-lock-etc-subuid-try-again-later
>>> sudo lsof /etc/subuid
>>> should tell what is using the file. If nothing, then you can remove it
>>> then run an update and dist-upgrade.
>  Thanks. I've never had any trouble with Linux lock files so this is new
>> to me. I wasn't sure if they locked by being there or by being open so I
>> was afraid to delete it then not know what I needed to create. Now I
>> know they're safe(ish) to delete, I can have another look. It isn't a
>> problem to completely reinstall, as it's a spare machine but if I'm
>> going to do that I may as well give up and get Windows. I started using
>> Linux to get to know Unix but everything just works, so I've never
>> really had to. I may as well try to learn something while I have the
>> chance.
> Lock files aren't normally safe to remove, they're created by application
> to make sure nothing interferes with what they're doing while they're doin
> something and then should be removed when it's finished without you needing
> to know about them. In this case I suspect something weird has happened and
> one has got left lying around. It may be a package bug that triggered
> during the upgrade or something.
> If you can boot into single user mode and run the lsof line, before you do
> anything else, nothing else should be running and nothing should be using
> it, so you can probably safely remove it and then try to finish your
> upgrade which hopefully will resolve the issue.
> Hope that fixes it for you.
> Regards,
> Adam Sweet
> --
> http://blog.adamsweet.org/
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Mr Paul Salahuddin Armstrong

Co-Director, The Association of British Muslims.
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