[Wolves] SLUG meeting Thursday 25th @ Cock Hotel Wellington

John Alexander acontractornow at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Sep 23 15:28:54 UTC 2014

SLUG meeting Thursday 25th @ Cock Hotel Wellington, beer,chips pork pie as usual



James Prewitt of Home Wizard will be talking about their home automation solutions

We'll also be discussing the next talk held at TCAT
Event: Maximising your Opportunities with Open Source20 09 2014  
On October 16 – a Thursday night we have a series of talks at an event at Telford College 
Please register on this link:  Maximising your opportunities with Open Source
This is organised by ourselves Shropshire Linux Users Group and 
British Computing Society (Shropshire) and support of Computing Dept. at Telford College
Have you ever wondered whether you are using Open Source enough? Is 
it the smart thing to do? Is it relevant to my business or career? Is it just for geeks? Are there risks? Well this is the event to attend full 
of informed students and experienced business professionals. Expect big 
discussions seeded by concise talks describing how Open Source is using 
in different sectors. You will be surprised, and hopefully inspired to 
go away and use some of these marvellous tools. However there is always 
two sides to a coin !
An event not to be missed by smart students or business.
With grateful thanks
To Telford College of Arts and Technology for hosting this event.
	1. Agenda
	2. Doors open 6.30 for Coffee etc.
	3. Intro/Safety – Ed Bedell MC (BCS Committee)   and Telford College representative – 5 mins.
	4. Shropshire Linux Group Why you need to partake  – 5 min
	5. BCS, Why you need to join – 5 mins – Hollie Whittles (BCS Shropshire Chair)
	6. Open source, An overview – 15 mins – Adam Sweet (Transitiv Technologies)
	7. Open source for Infrastructure and the Corporate  – 15mins – LinuxIT
	8. Open Source for the Microsoft Startup – 15mins – Ed  Bedell (CreaNova)
	9. Open Source for the Website provider. – 15mins – Hollie Whittles (FraggleWorks)
	10. Q&A  with Adam Sweet, LinuxIT, Ed Bedell, Hollie Whittles
Thanks and End.  Ed Bedell & Telford College
Finish at 9pm.
Should groups of visitors want to further network – there are local pubs nearby:
	* The Cock Hotel Wellington  – real ale, accomodation and a good real pub!
	* The Bridgebuilder at Wellington  Retail Park
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