[Wolves] Colocation

Adam Sweet adamsweet at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 13:16:09 UTC 2015

On 26/08/15 12:10, Stephen Welch wrote:
> On 26/08/2015 11:11, Stephen Welch wrote:
>> On 26/08/2015 11:13, Simon Burke wrote:
>>> So we're re-jigging the DR side of things at work and need to find
>>> somewhere to collocate a few servers. does anyone have any
>>> recommendations? Management for some reason have decided they
>>> specifically want it to be in the West-Milds/Staffs/Shrop area. Else
>>> there's always Bytemark/Rackspace and the likes.
>> Veloxserve near Fordhouses.
>> https://www.veloxserv.co.uk/
>> Speak to Craig.
> Do you remember the Gov project to centralise the emergency services IT
> / call systems?  Well they built a number of these buildings around the
> country at a cost of X million each and then around 2008 they abandoned
> them.  It sat used used for a couple of years before an IT business took
> residency in the office section.  The data centre bit is supported with
> all the normal facilities.

As it happens, I would also recommend Enta or Rockford. I've used them
both. Rockford was a far cleaner and better maintained datacentre than
Enta (based on my experience ~5 years ago), though Rockford was far
newer and far smaller. They may have expanded since then.

WRT Velox, Craig is a good guy but we hosted there (it's a 5 min walk
from my house) and had numerous 30-40 min outages over the course of a
year. As we were planning to host our VoIP and mail there (ie the means
by which our support customers contact us), having such frequent outages
was out of the question so had to move. Outages are inevitable with any
provider at some point, but we had double the number of outages in a
year with Velox than we've had with any other hosting provider in 4
years. I believe another LUG member also hosts there and has the same


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