[Wolves] ubuntu on windows

Chris Ellis chris at intrbiz.com
Thu Mar 31 14:13:12 UTC 2016

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 3:02 PM, David Goodwin <david at codepoets.co.uk> wrote:
>> No it's not. It is not Ubuntu, that's a whopping fib. Ubuntu is NOT
>> running on Windows. Ubuntu may very well have helped implement Bash but
>> that is NOT Ubuntu. Also are you seriously trying to say that Microsoft
>> does not have the skill set to implement Bash on it's own? Sheesh.
> See also :
> http://arstechnica.co.uk/information-technology/2016/03/windows-10-update-ubuntu-linux-command-line-bash/
> "Our understanding is that these are not recompiled or ported versions of
> the programs (as are used in tools aiming to provide a Unix-like environment
> on Windows such as Cygwin) but instead unmodified programs.
> Microsoft is describing this in terms of providing a Linux-like command-line
> environment at the moment, but from what we can gather, there's little
> fundamental restriction to this, potentially opening the door to running a
> wide range of Linux programs natively on Windows."

It's worth noting that the Linux syscall interface is very small.  The
complexity is in emulating
the functionality provided by Linux.  There are a lot of Linux APIs
which are all file based.  I'm sure
they've implemented enough syscalls to run Bash and basic commands,
but these apps will exercise
a pretty minimal set of the APIs provided by Linux.

The real question is will interfaces such as Unix Domain sockets,
kdbus, autofs, fanotify, etc ever
get implemented. I somehow suspect not.  As such the chance of being
able to run a Linux GUI app
natively on Windows is remote.


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