[Wolves] A reminder - UKUUG - FLOSS UK - BarCamp - Saturday 11th June 2016
Adam Sweet
adamsweet at gmail.com
Fri May 27 08:28:11 UTC 2016
I plan on going. I thought we could go for a meal afterwards if there
are a few of us.
On 25/05/16 21:21, Ron Wellsted via Wolves wrote:
> Just a short reminder
> BarCamp - Saturday 11th June 2016
> Free-of-charge to attend - full day - 10:00 - 17:30
> Registration now open!
> What is a bar camp? A bar camp is a conference where what happens is
> organised by the delegates on the day. The event organisers have to
> arrange something, the main one being the venue, but the rest is down to
> the delegates. So all the hassle of talk submissions, review and
> scheduling is taken away.
> Typically at the start of the day everyone gets up in turn and says who
> they are, what their interests are and what they’d like to do. Based on
> this people write proposals on PostIt notes and stick these on a board.
> A moderator may read out the proposals in turn to gauge interest, and if
> sufficient the proposal will be put on a scheduling board. Delegates may
> adjust this to avoid clashes etc.
> Experience shows that this format results in high quality sessions
> focussed on what delegates want.
> There is no charge to attend. Everyone should be able to afford to
> attend and as it is a one-day event you will not need to incur
> accommodation costs, though there are several hotels nearby for anyone
> who wishes to stay over.
> Refreshments, tea, coffee & biscuits will be provided morning and
> afternoon, and Lunch will also be provided.
> Why attend?
> There are lots of reasons to attend the FLOSS UK Bar Camp 2016 including:
> Keep abreast with new/emerging technologies
> Network with some of the people who are responsible for developing
> critical applications
> Become part of the UK Open Source community – build up informal
> relationships that can be invaluable in problem solving
> Benefit from the experience of delegates with similar interests
> See: http://www.flossuk.org/events/barcamp-birmingham/
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