[Wolves] Free Books

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Sun Feb 19 10:15:47 UTC 2017

Hi All

So I'm having a bit of a clear out and I have about £200+ worth of books 
if anyone is interested? They're all pretty much in mint condition 
although they are a bit dusty and musty.

Here's the deal. I'm happy to get them to Wolverhampton on a Saturday or 
something. I might even drop them along to a meeting but I'm not really 
keen on shlapping round the county like a mobile library. :-D

They are old! If you want them you can have them because contrary to 
what some might say, I'm a nice bloke really. LOL

O'Reilly: Learning the Bash Shell (2nd Edition)
Larry Ulman: MySQL (Covers versions 3 & 4)
O'Rielly: Linux Server Hacks
O'Reilly: Linux Pocket Guide (Bit crumpled)
Christopher Negus & Thomas Weeks: Linux Troubleshooting Bible
Christopher Negus: Red Hat Linux Bible
O'Reilly: Linux in a nutshell (4th Edition)
Sams: PHP, MySQL & Apache
Nate Campi & Kirk Bauer: Automating Linux & Unix system administration
O'Rielly: Linux annoyances for geeks
O'Rielly: Python problem solving
O'Rielly: Python (3rd Edition Python 2.5)

Peter Cannon

IRC: dick_turpin @ freenode.net
Podcast: http://tdtrs.co.uk

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't 
matter and those who matter don't mind."

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