[Wolves] Laptops

Adam Sweet adamsweet at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 13:29:50 UTC 2018

On 15/03/18 13:12, Adam Sweet wrote:
> On 15/03/18 11:48, Andy Chamberlain wrote:
>> Hi Adam
>> Good meeting last night.
>> Thanks for the info on laptops. I can"t remember the other place you
>> said to look for the recond machines. I bet with 4GB of ram Linux would
>> work well.
>> Oh by the way I left about an inch of the murky pint no ill effects yet
>> in fact slept like a dream!!
>> Oh well best go before I get into trouble for not putting enough Linux
>> related stuff on here!!

> For my money, get the best machine with the newest i5 you can and up the
> RAM and add an SSD later if money allows.

As always, another thing. I meant to say that if it doesn't have to be
portable then you get more performance for your money with a desktop PC
though if you don't already have a monitor etc, it might not be worth
the price difference.

Example i5 laptops from Morgan Computers, Tier 1 and Laptops Direct:





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