[Wolves] Applications invited for the role of LUGMaster

Ron Wellsted ron at wellsted.org.uk
Mon May 20 08:53:35 UTC 2019


Due to other commitments I am finding it increasingly difficult to carry 
out my duties as LUGmaster, as a result I feel it is only fair to stand 
down and let somebody else take on the role.

While the duties are not particularly onerous they do include:
Sending out the meeting notification emails
Maintaining the mailing list (mailman)
Maintaining the website (Wordpress, I am prepared to continue to host 
this free of charge)
Arranging and managing social events

Please let me know if your are interested in taking on the role or would 
like to suggest somebody to take on the role.
The pay has lots of zeros in it ;=)

Ron Wellsted
ron at wellsted.org.uk http://www.wellsted.org.uk
ron at m0rnw.uk http://m0rnw.uk
Call Sign: M0RNW / Linux Counter No. 202120

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