[Wolves] LIST - Meeting at the The Grill House, Chapel Ash

Andy Chamberlain triumph900 at talktalk.net
Wed Sep 25 17:37:19 UTC 2019

Hi Adam, I won't be joining you tonight I have been out all day and feel 
a bit grotty hopefully see you and the guys at the next meeting.



On 25/09/2019 11:08, Adam Sweet via Wolves wrote:
> Minor update for me.
> On 20/09/2019 18:12, Amrik Singh via Wolves wrote:
>> Date:
>> 19:30 - 23:00, Wed 25th September 2019
>> Place:
>> The Grill House
>> 33 Chapel Ash
>> Wolverhampton
>> WV3 0UF
>> https://mygrillhouse.co.uk/
>> You should be able to park along Clifton Street.
>> We can retire to The Combermere opposite for a beer afterwards.
>> Map:
>> https://osm.org/go/eux6yWfmM?layers=N&way=294383349
>> (Shown as Streetfood Smokehouse)
>> Purpose:
>> Eat, drink and talk Linux, amongst other things.
>> Please put your names below.
>> Goes:
>> 1. Ad - going to have to leave around 21:30
>> 2. Simon
>> 3. Sam
>> 4. Amo
>> Late/Maybe:
>> 1. Ron - maybe as I have to get loaded up for the national HamFest.
>> 2. Andy
>> No Goes:

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